
We Do Everything For You. Literally.

Vatis features on-cloud or on-premise APIs for easy integrations, support for real-time transcription, or custom AI models, alongside a plethora of features designed to do the work for you, and supercharge your workflow.

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Real-Time Transcription

Use our real-time API to transcribe your live audio streams with an average response time of 420 milliseconds — almost instant.

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Async Transcription

Transcribe pre-recorded audio or video files with high accuracy using our highly scalable infrastructure.

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Custom Vocabulary

Lotta slang? No problem. Boost the accuracy of your transcript using a custom vocabulary specific to your use case or product.

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All Formats Supported

You don't have to worry about file format or sampling rates we can handle anything — from MP3 to FLAC, MP4 to MKV, and everything in between.

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Easy Exporting

When it's time to wrap up, effortlessly export your polished transcript into PDF, DOCX, TXT, or SRT formats.

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Editable & Automated

Want to delete, add, or edit the text from your transcript? It’s all possible, including automatic punctuation and capitalisation.

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Entity Detection

Identify a wide range of entities like people and company names, dates, or locations from your audio files.

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Numeral Conversion

Automatically convert letter-written numerals to number-written numerals.

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Confidence Scores

We like transparency — we show a confidence score of our algorithms for each word in the transcript.

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Profanity Filtering

Swearing is rarely appropriate — we automatically filter out the bad words out of your transcript. And yes, you can turn it off if needed.

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Word Timings

The entire transcript has an associated timestamp for each word, so you can easily find what you need, quick.

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Custom Models

Build your custom model starting from our pre-trained models and using your specific data. Easily create datasets to improve your speech models from your raw data.


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Experimenta hoy el futuro del reconocimiento de voz

Prueba Vatis ahora, no necesitas tarjeta de crédito.

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